Modern technology like refrigeration and temperature control has made transportation of perishable items much easier. Whereas flower delivery was once a complicated process, it is now simpler because suppliers and ...
South Florida is one of the biggest markets of cut flowers in the world. However, with so many suppliers to choose from, you can often face decision fatigue. Additionally, because ...
Florida is one of the primary wedding destinations in the United States, with beautiful beaches and stunning art-deco architecture. Besides the sunny, want weather, another reason for the destination’s popularity ...
Floristry has become a huge industry around the world. According to IBISWorld, the floral industry in the UK alone is worth £1 billion. In the U.S., this number shoots up ...
With miles of coastline and some of the most unique and stunning event venues in the country, it’s no wonder that the Sunshine State is a popular wedding destination. If ...
With a newly vaccinated population and the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in sight, we can all look forward to in-person weddings again. In the coming months, we can look ...
If you’re planning a wedding in a hot climate, you should be prepared to compromise on flowers. No matter how much you want sweet pea, it’s probably not the best ...
Those in the floral industry know the importance of Mother’s Day, with it being the biggest floral holiday of the year after Valentine’s Day. In fact, 69% of all Mother’s ...
If you’re a flower lover, you’ll know that we’re almost in peony season, that wonderful time between late spring and summer. If you’re as excited for peony season as we ...
No matter the size of a wedding, florals are an important part of the occasion. This is especially true when it comes to the bridal bouquet. Aspects to consider include ...